What is Refined Sugar Doing to Your Body?

One of the blessings of Whole30 is that it is a refined sugar free lifestyle.

Refined sugar is in many items we purchase including salsa, salad dressing, and ketchup. Many processed foods, those frozen meals, crackers, etc…contain refined sugar.

Sugar causes the breakdown of collagen. Collagen helps us to look youthful. Sugar speeds up aging.

Sugar causes bloating and helps feed cancer. It also helps feed candida (yeast overgrowth in the stomach).

Excess sugar causes your body to crave more food. Refined sugar is addictive, studies show it can as addictive as cocaine.

Sugar stimulates brain pathways just as an opioid would, and sugar has been found to be habit-forming in people. Cravings induced by sugar are comparable to those induced by addictive drugs like cocaine and nicotine .Source Sugar Addiction

I gave myself two weeks to just eat what I wanted. I am back to Whole30/Paleo. One thing I saw significantly decrease while on Whole30, my appetite. I ate significantly less. When I started eating bread, sugar on December 31rst 2017 I noticed the following:

  • Increased hunger! I could not eat enough food.
  • Facial swelling and bloating.
  • Acne
  • Craving bad food.

Sugar may be sabotaging your fitness and nutrition goals. It may be the culprit for your excess hunger. Refined sugar is not your flat belly friend.

The skinny jeans I wore two weeks ago were snug today. They still fit, yet they are a bit tighter around the waist. Just two weeks of sugar and things were on the incline.

I am delighted to pass on the cookies, cake, pie, and loaded dressings. Give me olive oil, fruit, dates, almonds, vegetables, and whole foods. I feel better living a Whole Foodie Lifestyle.

Are you monitoring your sugar intake? Is your diet mostly refined sugars?

You could see drastic changes in your health by limiting refined sugar.

May 2018 be a year of healthier food choices!



Images: Pinterest

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